Friday, November 12, 2004

Happy Birthday 2004 Love, Bethel and Paul

Dear Tim,

Happy Birthday 40????????????????? Where does the time go? They didn't tell us that the older you are the better life is, but it is. Yes, there are aches and pains along the way, but don't let that cloud things for you. These are the best years of your life now that you are "over the hill?". At least I would never want to go back. We are just one day closer to heaven.

We are so proud of you and all that you are doing and have been able to do. Just yesterday I handed out almost 50 copies of the "letter" about the visit to Cuba and how the web site has been received there. I kept having to go back and make more copies and hopefully gave them all to people that know you and are interested but don't get your letters in the mail. You have a big FAN CLUB in Wichita. Now we are leaving and will try to work on new contacts for you all which will be fun.

Hope you are lifting weights now to get ready for that 1,000 pounds or more of books that we are taking to Ethiopia. Pray that that will all get organized smoothly. So far it has but there is lots more to do. We can't wait to all be together again.

We love you very much.



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