Monday, November 15, 2004

Happy Birthday... Scott

I have a picture that is special to me. It is a picture taken in your parent’s den, and it contains you, Joe Crawford, Paul Wilder, and myself. For me it symbolizes my early years as a believer, and the people in the picture are those who had the biggest impact on me during those years. God did some amazing things for me then in providing community, faithful followers to watch, and sound teaching.

According to our over-programmed culture, your having a big impact in my life doesn’t make a lot of sense. We’ve had so little formal time together as teacher/disciple. There has been little to no classroom time, we’ve never been in a small group together, no official counseling. And yet there is this big Tim imprint on my life.

One of my fondest memories is the time we had together in Mexico during my first mission trip. You, John Hicks, and myself shared a room together. I think we stayed up past 2 a.m. every night just talking about whatever, only to have to wake at 5:30 the next morning. I have no idea now how we did that, but that time and those talks were life giving for me. San Pablo seminary has since turned that little room that we hung three hammocks in, into a medical supplies closet. I’ve been down there six times since that first trip, and every time I’m there I stick my head in that closet and remember. As I sit here and think about it, that little room kind of served as a medicine closet before they started storing band-aids there.

Thanks for your friendship!

Happy Birthday!



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