Tuesday, November 16, 2004

May the next 40 years be spent happily, healthily and together! Annette

To commemorate your 40th birthday I’ve collected notes from a cross section of people who have known you in different stages of your life. I asked them to tell a story about a time/event that they shared with you and to mention a quality of yours that they enjoy/admire. Each of these letters is a treasure, and a foretaste of Heaven where we will freely express how much we love each other and our gratitude for the kindness we have received from others.

As for me…there are so many, many stories from our life together that are worthy of retelling and reliving from our very first conversation about St. Augustine of Hippo at the Ligonier conference where you engaged me with your depth and wisdom, not to mention your striking good looks :-) to just today when we stood outside the Casasolas’ front door laughing and laughing because with just one look you knew that I was plotting a surprise lunch for you and that I’m so bad at surprises that I couldn’t come up with one more excuse to keep it a secret.

All of those stories are reminders that I am so blessed/privileged/lucky (all of those words are inadequate but words so often are…) to have you as my best friend with whom I have been able to share almost every moment, thought and experience of the past thirteen and a half years. I never dreamed that life with someone could be so fun. Thank you for your joy, your optimism, your jokes, your patience (when you’re not driving), your faithfulness, your honor, truth and duty, for all of the qualities that make you such a great person and wonderful friend.



Felices 40 de Ruth Casasola L.

Hay muchas cosas que he vivido junto a Tim y seria muy egoísta de mi parte mencionar solo una.

Tengo muy presente la preocupación que mostró cuando mi hijo Nahum se cayó en el volcán, la dedicación a mis hijos en su crecimiento espiritual, el apoyo y paciencia al darles trabajo, al llevarme al aeropuerto y dedicarme tiempo, apoyo, y hacerme sentir menos mal por dejar a mis hijos, por sus oraciones y consejos, por la navidad y cumpleaños que pasaron con mis hijos cuando estuvo lejos, al ir por nosotros al aeropuerto y darnos la bienvenida, por su compañía y apoyo en el “localito”, por sus platicas y “hechos” que siempre me enseñan algo sobre la amistad, humildad, amar a los demás, paciencia, compartir no solo tiempo, también los bienes, el dar lo mejor de si aun cuando se siente mal físicamente y lo que me encanta es su buen humor – es un niño con cuerpo de hombre.

Me siento muy bendecida ya que en mi familia de sangre no tuve hermanos menores, pero en la familia de Dios tengo uno llamado Timoteo.

Con Cariño, Ruth

PD: Faltaron cosas por mencionar pero tengo que dejar espacio para los demás.

Welcome to the Middle-Agers, from the Heaveners

Dear Tim,

WELCOME to the Middle-agers!!! Actually the 40's are great!! And it gets better!!!

Annette asked us to write about an event that we remembered about you, but I would rather write about what you meant to our family during the 3 yrs. that you spent helping us out. God certainly gave us a wonderful gift when He brought you into our lives! I can't begin to tell you how greatful I am for the love, guidence and fun you provided my boys in during a time that was tough for our family. I look back on it now and marvel and God's provision . NOt only did you provide the boys with the fun that they needed , but with guidence and sound advice that I am sure will be with them for their life.

So dear Tim, as you move onto the "Other -Side of the Hill", know that the three years that you spent giving to us was so important to us, and was a gift from God for which I will always be greatful.

Lots of Love, Bill, Christie and Chase and Chris November 13, 2004

Happy Birthday Timmy, Love Emily

Memories of Tim

Summer of 1992 (I think)
One of the first times I met Tim, he was reciting Pop Ice ingredients---the entire list, mind you--- in Edie and Myers’ Hicks’ musty macramé-filled living room. We ate a lot of Pop Ice that summer, sometimes a pack a-piece per night. Tim perfected the technique of biting the top off the plastic Popsicle tubes. We played many rounds of flashlight tag in Edie’s closets full of moth-balled polyester fashions. Remember the door chimes that play hymns? Ooooh, creepy.

July 1997
My most vivid memories of Tim have happened in Mexico. One Sunday with Tim in Oaxaca stands out in my mind. It was a day out of National Geographic magazine. Tim, Annette, Scott Murphy and I started out at Monte Alban, taking a tour of the ruins with an old Zapotec man. Tim and Annette translated the “authentic” tour, not like the tourista ones, the old man promised. He told us the rumored history of the abstract symbols created when St. Thomas visited Mexico and had warned against using pagan symbols of animals and gods. Our guide showed us how the remaining paintings had deteriorated in recent years. His pride in the history was evident, as well as his sadness at the state of the disappearing artwork. All during the tour a nearby Catholic church was blasting its service through the open air, as if to include the countryside in its service.

On our way from Monte Alban we stopped by the road to have rose petal ice cream, which Tim insisted we try. He was our gourmet guide throughout the trip, foisting all kinds of strange delicacies (?) on us: roasted grasshoppers, pomegranate seeds, “tuna” (cactus) fruit, Oaxacan tamales, chicken with mole sauce, Oaxacan chocolate, pork tortes, dried chili mangoes, tortilla soup. I can see Tim now with a roasted grasshopper’s legs hanging out of his mouth.

I was really interested in all the handicrafts Oaxaca is known for, including rug-making. Tim and Annette had commissioned a local artist to make a rug for them, and Tim decided I should meet him. We arrived at his house unannounced, but the peg-legged old man was happy to host us, even though we had interrupted a charismatic church service going on inside. The rugmaker gave us a tour through his studio while again Tim and Annette translated. This rugmaker used only pure wool and natural “Christian” dyes that he made himself. Reds came from smushed dead bugs found on a special cactus. Browns and grays came from brown and gray sheep. I couldn’t afford a rug, but the rugmaker let me take a small bit of yarn as a souvenir.

We ended the day by visiting the tree with the largest girth in the Western Hemisphere. We had to hold back Scott from climbing it.

At the end of that trip, both Tim and I got sick. Maybe too much street vendor food. Scott and Annette visited the volcano outside Toluca while Tim and I slept on and off, rousing to watch a nature video and hit the bathroom. For hours we listened to the chk chk chk of the man cutting the lawn with a machete. Thankfully I was feeling better by the time Scott and I had to leave the next day.

Early September 2001 (the week before 9/11)
On my next trip to Mexico I came with Todd, my boyfriend at the time. Although many memories from the trip stand out, one of the best was another National Geographic day arranged by Tim. We bounded over the hills in Tim and Annette’s Explorer on our way to Veracruz, stopping to buy honey, take pictures of sabus and sprouting fence-posts, get water and sandwiches. Tim knew someone who knew someone who happened to own a vanilla plantation outside Veracruz. It was not normally open to the public, but as usual, Tim could talk our way into a personal private tour free of charge. One of the family owners, a young man currently in business school, drove us up into the mountains to see the prized plants. They are so valuable that one vanilla bean is worth more than a day’s wages in Mexico, and the fruit is harvested with armed guards standing by. The orchid-like plants grow at the base of orange trees in the dark soil and thick, humid air of Veracruz.

Other trip highlights: fried squash blossoms tacos in the orange and lime-painted restaurant; the Veracruz dungeon/ port tour; meeting Tim and Annette’s favorite artist at the Mexico art fair---and buying his paintings; the Coco Loco hotel---with AC; crabs running across the road to the black-sand beach; dancing in the living room in Toluca; wondering if Todd was showing Tim a picture of my engagement ring (to be received a couple of weeks later) on the internet.

The qualities that I admire: Tim is so full of creative energy, so funny, and so outside the box.

Happy Birthday, Timmy! Love, Emily

Felicidades - Alejandro Casasola Rivas

Apreciable Tim,

Con gusto te escribo esta carta y en este día tan especial.

Cada uno de mis amigos es especial, cada uno de ellos ha compartido una parte de mi vida, cada uno sabe cuanto le quiero porque he aprendido a decírselo, no con palabras sino con acciones, con actitudes y hasta con detalles.

Que pases tu día en la compañía de Dios y Annette, Tu amigo, Alejandro Casasola Rivas

Memories from Eric Linares

Story #1
I guess there are several things I recall, but they are more like instances or moments in time that stick out in my mind about Tim. I remember shortly before our cruise to the Caribbean that he got himself a pair of sneakers at a store in Florida that not only provided a comfortable walk, but would also provide faster transportation via hidden wheels that could be extended or retracted like landing gear on an airplane. His shoes provided hours of instantaneous entertainment, for Tim only, as he tried to use his shoes as a skateboard everywhere he went. He kept jumping on anything that seemed like a suitable surface including the back bumper of the minivan we were using to get to the cruiseship. I have never seen before or since such admirable amounts of energy devoted by anyone to jumping on and off any type of solid or semi-stable objects. God bless him.

Story #2
The 2nd story is not so much about a incident, but a particular behavior. I just want it to go on the record that I have never seen anyone eat as many pistachio nuts as Tim. Every time he got to spend time in Wichita with Ruth's parents they would have a bowl of pistachio nuts sitting out for anybody to snack. Inevitably, every time Tim was near the bowl he would enjoy a small handful of these crunchy nutty variations of what seemed like organic crack for Tim. I can still picture him nuts in hand tossing them back as he told me about the latest techno gadgets and his sage-like advice as to which ones are the best.

The one thing I can really recall us doing together is not necessarily a fun-loving story, but just the great conversations we have had over the years and sharing our experiences. I find Tim's advice and insight very refreshing and I love his kindness, and gentleness which he sometimes hides underneath all that energy and great sense of humor.

I love you man!!! Eric

Feliz cumpleaños!!! de Benja

No es fácil para mi el poder retomar una vivencia que haya compartido contigo, porque han sido miles!!! Y todas muy chidas!!! Simplemente el hecho de que Dios haya permitido que te cruzaras en mi vida es un claro ejemplo de ello.

Hay quienes dicen que la verdadera riqueza se mide por los amigos que tienes, y yo ya soy multimillonario por el simple hecho de tenerte.

Todas las cosas que me has enseñado a lo largo de todos estos años, las miles de veces que me has hecho reír, que me has escuchado, que me has ayudado a crecer, que me has retado, que me has tolerado y perdonado… todas las veces que me has mostrado tu amor e interés genuino han quedado grabadas en mí.

Uno de los momentos más especiales que recuerdo fue un día que estábamos en las computadoras, platicando de música. Tú me diste un tour completito de la historia del punk, desde sus raíces hasta nuestros días. Un detalle que me encantó de ese día fue tu mirada mientras recordabas las cosas que me decías. Me dejaste ver cosas de ti que se que muy pocos saben… me gustó mucho que compartieras ese momento conmigo… lo valoro grandemente.
Gracias por tu fe, tu esfuerzo, tu compromiso y tu cariño con cada u no de nosotros. No exagero al decir que cada día que comparto contigo aprendo algo o refrendo lo que ya sabía de ti: “Eres un milagro en mi vida”

Gracias por todo Tim. Feliz cumpleaños!!!

Te quiero mucho y te admiro aun más. Atte: Benja

Happy 40th Birthday Dear Timmy!

Dear Timmy, Timotius, the Timster, TIIIIM,

40? How can you be 40? I still think of you as a youthful youth worker doing wild and wacky things like skateboarding, waterskiing, water balloon launching, flavor ice eating, flashlight tag playing, etc. Of course, you’re still wild and wacky, maybe with just a few more creaks in the joints…

Anyhoo, where to begin? Perhaps when we met, like in 1992? 12 years ago? Your recent prayer letter made me reflective/nostalgic about our friendship. When I say ‘our’ I of course mean yours, mine and Annette’s, since I befriended you all at the same time, as a unit. I guess we technically met the summer you all got married, two years prior, but only briefly at the annual FPC ice cream social. The actual summer of meeting was much more memorable. I can remember as if it were yesterday the walk that you, Annette and I took for so long, weaving around the neighborhoods of Florence discussing everything from ministry to pop culture. And then it started raining, who noticed the weather? And we had to go for shelter and my parents’ house and drink tea and talk some more. And later that summer, watching the Real World together, the first foray into reality television. I was impressed early on with how you integrated life and ministry and used things like TV to relate to spiritual life. I felt like I was simultaneously learning from and enjoying you.

Over the years, that theme continued to be true. You have taught me so much about life and ministry and just taking things easy. And of course, little points of trivia about all sorts of things. Oh, and you tried to teach me about that blasted video game, Myst. But that’s another story. Mostly, I have always have had tremendous respect for:

1) the way you treat your lovely wife, and my most special friend in the whole world, Annette. How you treasure and cherish her, how you pay attention to all the details in her life, how you listen to and communicate with her, how you do such special things for her. How you make tea for her and pat her on the head and call her George. Ok, that’s a cartoon .never mind.

2) The zeal with which you approach any project, job or endeavor. You do everything with such wholehearted commitment, no matter what it is. I’m so amazed to think about what all you have accomplished these past ten years with OC. God has gifted you in tremendous ways and you use your gifts to the fullest. You are on the cutting edge of a ministry with huge needs, and Hill and I love to hear every month about what’s happening.

3) Your ability to communicate with all people. What I mean by that is that no matter what group you are addressing, you can target your message accordingly and make it relevant and exciting. For example: you and Annette addressing the youth at Lookout Mtn. Pres., or you explaining your ministry to my parents, or doing the same thing at RTS with a group of seminary students. And your prayer letters are always so engaging and just the right amount of information. In addition, you have a gift of motivating people. I’m ready to charge ahead and do something big for God after hearing you speak. (I realize of course this is Annette’s gift too! But since it’s your birthday, I’m trying to separate here…)

4) Your humility, which is related to the above. You have a wealth of knowledge, but never make anyone feel anything but comfortable in your presence.

5) Your fabulous sense or humor. I honestly never laugh as hard as I do when I’m with you and Annette. It’s such joy to sit around belly laughing with you about all manner of wackiness, It’s such an awesome release! I miss it. You two get back here to SC!!

6) Your appreciation and love of 80’s college scene music. Need I say more? There aren’t many people I can admit to that I am still fond of the Smith’s. and not get kicked OUT of their company, or get prayed for, or at least hear “who are the Smiths?”

7) Your sense of adventure. You and Annette have probably seen more of Mexican countryside than the Mexicans themselves, and surely all other missionaries combined. It’s so fun to think of you and Annette out there exploring volcanoes and caves and ruins, etc. And it reminds me of our most excellent Mexican tour 1999 where I learned that Timmy and I have something in common: a tendency to NOT get carsick!

8) Your servant’s heart. You lay down your life every day for the Lord and serve others with great joy, and that’s a tremendous witness.

9) Your creativity. Wow, I still can’t believe you painted that rug in the Florida love bungalow, or did that trompe d’oeil painting, or designed and built that bed, or those earrings for Annette. And I’m sure there’s lots of other cool stuff I don’t know about.

I could go on, but as you can see, what I’m trying to say is “You’re the tops, you’re the coliseum, you’re the tops, you’re the Louvre museum.” And on your 40th birthday, I will celebrate, if only to make a birthday cake out of bread and cheerios and mustard, as did my freshman year friend Donna. And maybe I’ll even ask others: When you hear the name Tim Gulick, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

1) hoisin sauce
2) blue toothpicks
3) finials
4) the movie Firestarter
5) the Smiths song “Unhappy Birthday”

And on that bizarre note, I’ll end this letter by saying Happy Birthday, dear Timmy! Reflect, remember, enjoy, eat cake, ice cream too, send pictures, don’t be a stranger. And thank you for your support and friendship lo these many years through my many melancholy ups and downs, unfortunate hairstyles and wardrobe choices, boyfriends, and marriage to Mr. Right and birth of two little munchkins. And thank you for marrying us! To think we were the impetus for your one and only (is this still true?) sermon. You have been the most terrific big brother I never had J

With Love, Susan for all the Davises, which includes Hill, Caleb and Benjamin

p.s. I meant to really be creative and send pictures, but being the unfrozen cavewoman stay at home mother of two with laryngitis who moves next Monday the 15th, this was beyond my capabilities…

¡Feliz Cumpleaños! de Victoria López de Casasola


Deseo que recibas las bendiciones de Dios en este día especial y en todos los demás.

Quiero decirte que me gusta mucho tu forma de ser, siempre alegre y juguetón. A continuación te voy a compartir un pensamiento que me gusta.

Nunca Sentirás la Soledad

El saber que Dios siempre
Está a nuestro lado
Y vela por nosotros,
Nos llena de paz y serenidad.
Y aunque a veces pensamos
que se ha alejado de nuestro camino,
en nuestro corazón
tenemos la certeza
que Él nos ama,
que somos sus hijos
y podemos encontrar
esperanza con su palabra,
consuelo en su sabiduría,
y refugio en su amor.

¡Feliz Cumpleaños!

Con Cariño,

Victoria López de Casasola

Happy 40th Birthday Dear Timmy!

Dear Timmy, Timotius, the Timster, TIIIIM,

40? How can you be 40? I still think of you as a youthful youth worker doing wild and wacky things like skateboarding, waterskiing, water balloon launching, flavor ice eating, flashlight tag playing, etc. Of course, you’re still wild and wacky, maybe with just a few more creaks in the joints…

Anyhoo, where to begin? Perhaps when we met, like in 1992? 12 years ago? Your recent prayer letter made me reflective/nostalgic about our friendship. When I say ‘our’ I of course mean yours, mine and Annette’s, since I befriended you all at the same time, as a unit. I guess we technically met the summer you all got married, two years prior, but only briefly at the annual FPC ice cream social. The actual summer of meeting was much more memorable. I can remember as if it were yesterday the walk that you, Annette and I took for so long, weaving around the neighborhoods of Florence discussing everything from ministry to pop culture. And then it started raining, who noticed the weather? And we had to go for shelter and my parents’ house and drink tea and talk some more. And later that summer, watching the Real World together, the first foray into reality television. I was impressed early on with how you integrated life and ministry and used things like TV to relate to spiritual life. I felt like I was simultaneously learning from and enjoying you.

Over the years, that theme continued to be true. You have taught me so much about life and ministry and just taking things easy. And of course, little points of trivia about all sorts of things. Oh, and you tried to teach me about that blasted video game, Myst. But that’s another story. Mostly, I have always have had tremendous respect for:

1) the way you treat your lovely wife, and my most special friend in the whole world, Annette. How you treasure and cherish her, how you pay attention to all the details in her life, how you listen to and communicate with her, how you do such special things for her. How you make tea for her and pat her on the head and call her George. Ok, that’s a cartoon .never mind.

2) The zeal with which you approach any project, job or endeavor. You do everything with such wholehearted commitment, no matter what it is. I’m so amazed to think about what all you have accomplished these past ten years with OC. God has gifted you in tremendous ways and you use your gifts to the fullest. You are on the cutting edge of a ministry with huge needs, and Hill and I love to hear every month about what’s happening.

3) Your ability to communicate with all people. What I mean by that is that no matter what group you are addressing, you can target your message accordingly and make it relevant and exciting. For example: you and Annette addressing the youth at Lookout Mtn. Pres., or you explaining your ministry to my parents, or doing the same thing at RTS with a group of seminary students. And your prayer letters are always so engaging and just the right amount of information. In addition, you have a gift of motivating people. I’m ready to charge ahead and do something big for God after hearing you speak. (I realize of course this is Annette’s gift too! But since it’s your birthday, I’m trying to separate here…)

4) Your humility, which is related to the above. You have a wealth of knowledge, but never make anyone feel anything but comfortable in your presence.

5) Your fabulous sense or humor. I honestly never laugh as hard as I do when I’m with you and Annette. It’s such joy to sit around belly laughing with you about all manner of wackiness, It’s such an awesome release! I miss it. You two get back here to SC!!

6) Your appreciation and love of 80’s college scene music. Need I say more? There aren’t many people I can admit to that I am still fond of the Smith’s. and not get kicked OUT of their company, or get prayed for, or at least hear “who are the Smiths?”

7) Your sense of adventure. You and Annette have probably seen more of Mexican countryside than the Mexicans themselves, and surely all other missionaries combined. It’s so fun to think of you and Annette out there exploring volcanoes and caves and ruins, etc. And it reminds me of our most excellent Mexican tour 1999 where I learned that Timmy and I have something in common: a tendency to NOT get carsick!

8) Your servant’s heart. You lay down your life every day for the Lord and serve others with great joy, and that’s a tremendous witness.

9) Your creativity. Wow, I still can’t believe you painted that rug in the Florida love bungalow, or did that trompe d’oeil painting, or designed and built that bed, or those earrings for Annette. And I’m sure there’s lots of other cool stuff I don’t know about.

I could go on, but as you can see, what I’m trying to say is “You’re the tops, you’re the coliseum, you’re the tops, you’re the Louvre museum.” And on your 40th birthday, I will celebrate, if only to make a birthday cake out of bread and cheerios and mustard, as did my freshman year friend Donna. And maybe I’ll even ask others: When you hear the name Tim Gulick, what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

1) hoisin sauce
2) blue toothpicks
3) finials
4) the movie Firestarter
5) the Smiths song “Unhappy Birthday”

And on that bizarre note, I’ll end this letter by saying Happy Birthday, dear Timmy! Reflect, remember, enjoy, eat cake, ice cream too, send pictures, don’t be a stranger. And thank you for your support and friendship lo these many years through my many melancholy ups and downs, unfortunate hairstyles and wardrobe choices, boyfriends, and marriage to Mr. Right and birth of two little munchkins. And thank you for marrying us! To think we were the impetus for your one and only (is this still true?) sermon. You have been the most terrific big brother I never had J

With Love, Susan for all the Davises, which includes Hill, Caleb and Benjamin

p.s. I meant to really be creative and send pictures, but being the unfrozen cavewoman stay at home mother of two with laryngitis who moves next Monday the 15th, this was beyond my capabilities…

Para mi gran amigo Timoteo, de Alfredo


Aunque no lo creas me es muy difícil encontrar las palabras precisas para expresarte cuan feliz estoy porque Dios te ha dado la oportunidad de cumplir un año mas de vida en compañía de tu esposa.

En mi corta vida he tenido la oportunidad de conocer a muchas personas, pero Dios es testigo que he aprendido a valorarte como algo muy especial, porque eres una gran persona. Siempre has tenido 5 o 10 minutos para escucharme cuando han sido buenas o no tan buenas noticias y eso no lo paga ninguna moneda en el mundo.

Por eso Timoteo, que Dios te llene de bendiciones hoy, mañana y siempre.

Mi gran amigo y hermano, Timoteo.


God Bless.... Scott Keating

I really don't have any stories to share about Tim. We lived quite a distance from each other and didn't see each other very often. Not much different than now.

I do however want to wish him a very happy 40th birthday. I am so excited about what you guys are doing with your lives. I pray the Lord will continue to bless your ministry and that you will have the privilege of seeing much fruit for your labours.

Tim, enjoy your day and the year to come. It is a great milestone. The torch is being passed on and the opportunities and responsibilities are great.

May God bless your richly on this your 40th birthday.

Your long-lost cousin, Scott

Monday, November 15, 2004

Happy Birthday... Scott

I have a picture that is special to me. It is a picture taken in your parent’s den, and it contains you, Joe Crawford, Paul Wilder, and myself. For me it symbolizes my early years as a believer, and the people in the picture are those who had the biggest impact on me during those years. God did some amazing things for me then in providing community, faithful followers to watch, and sound teaching.

According to our over-programmed culture, your having a big impact in my life doesn’t make a lot of sense. We’ve had so little formal time together as teacher/disciple. There has been little to no classroom time, we’ve never been in a small group together, no official counseling. And yet there is this big Tim imprint on my life.

One of my fondest memories is the time we had together in Mexico during my first mission trip. You, John Hicks, and myself shared a room together. I think we stayed up past 2 a.m. every night just talking about whatever, only to have to wake at 5:30 the next morning. I have no idea now how we did that, but that time and those talks were life giving for me. San Pablo seminary has since turned that little room that we hung three hammocks in, into a medical supplies closet. I’ve been down there six times since that first trip, and every time I’m there I stick my head in that closet and remember. As I sit here and think about it, that little room kind of served as a medicine closet before they started storing band-aids there.

Thanks for your friendship!

Happy Birthday!


Best Wishes from Karl and Patsy Crowe

We think that our really fun time with Tim (and you) was when you became the missionaries for the outreach festival. Tim really gave of himself for the set up time and reaching out to all of the kids that came by. It was amazing that he lived through the demonstration of the sweet, sour, hot candy that you brought.

No wonder you do such an amazing job with the kids. You have to be a kid at heart even though the body is a 40 year old one -- WOW!!

We from the LA team have really enjoyed working with you all. Karl andPatsy

Happy 40th Birthday from Chris Heavener

When I turned nine years old I had a birthday party at my house. All of my friends were there, we swam in the pool, we ate pizza, I opened presents, the whole nine. It was irrefutably a great birthday for me, possibly the greatest. And while this may or may not be the reason for why it was such a good time, this was the day that I met Tim Gulick for the first time.

Annette, his loving wife, had been hired by my mother to watch over my brother and I only a few months before this day. I liked Annette, she was always very kind to me, she had a lovely smile, she laughed at my jokes and she threatened to leave my brother at school one day after he had been teasingly disobeying her wishes for him to get into the car for, no lie, the better part of half an hour. An all around good girl, that one.

So they both were invited to the party and I was excited to meet her husband. I imagined a tall man, barrel-chested, constantly wearing sweaters, even in the summer. What I met was a short, pale, skinny, black haired, erratic, and quite hairy ball of nervous energy. I must say that one of the strangest memories I have of Tim is from this day. I’m not sure what the circumstance was because it has been fourteen years since that day and time has ravaged my memory, but it happened during the end of the day. Tim was crawling toward me on all fours, snarling like a dog, his long, parted hair, draped over one of his eyes, as I was backing myself into a corner, pretending to be scared for my life. And so that strange memory, one that to this day I cannot imagine would be stranger for an onlooker to see, (a twenty-six year old man preparing to devour a nine year old boy whole) set the pace for the relationship that Tim and I have had over the years. Years of absurdity, childish jokes, ridiculous pranks and sidewalk chalk, countless boxes of sidewalk chalk.

I’m not good at rating. I don’t feel the need to rank the things that I hold in high regard. I couldn’t tell you what my favorite movie is, I don’t know what the greatest song I’ve ever heard is, I don’t have a “Best” friend. To me, all of the things that I love and care about have certain attributes and characteristics that I appreciate in one way or another and one doesn’t hold any higher placement than the other in my eyes. So I really couldn’t tell you what my favorite memory of Tim is, mostly because they’re all too good.

Being taken to the ice cream store or the skate park, being abandoned at the post office after a cruel April Fools Day joke only to pull the double reverse backstab on Annette, their white and blue two door coupe which seemed to be perpetually bouncing off the ground like in the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip, games of tag that would last hours, upon days, upon months, upon years (come to think of it, it’s very likely that I may still be “it”), these memories are indistinguishable to me. It's not possible for me to pick the best one because I’m in short supply in the bad ones, and if you have a situation as fortunate as that, choosing the best is irrelevant and a waste of time.

Over the years, I don’t see much of Tim and Annette anymore, which is the case with most of your old friends once you, yourself, start to get older. When we do see each other we laugh, talk about our lives, tell old stories and sometimes even play a few rounds of tag, albeit very slow and short of breath rounds. But that’s okay, because even though, we don’t see each other every day, it doesn’t change the fact that, to me, Tim was, is and always will be a great teacher, a great influence and a great inspiration, in addition to being a great friend and brother.

So it is with the deepest of sincerity that I would like to wish you, Tim, a happy 40th birthday and let you know that you deserve to live forty more years of nothing less than the happiness and joy that you have brought to the lives of your friends and family members.


Muchas Felicitaciones de Poi


Estoy agradecido de haberte conocido, no solo eres un amigo sino que ya eres parte de la familia. Siempre buscas la manera de hacernos reír, y si necesitamos algo, buscas la manera de ayudarnos, pero sobre todas las cosas nos das lo mejore de ti sin esperar nada a cambio.

Como en la navidad que pasamos juntos Annette y tu hicieron que se día fuera muy especial para mi porque a pesar de que no estaban mis papas me hicieron sentir como en mi hogar y además ese día nos dieron muchos regalos, por esto y por muchas razones mas le doy gracias a Dios de haberles puesto a ti y Annette en mi vida.

Muchas Felicitaciones en tu cumpleaños,
Atte: Emanuel (Poi)

Gracias por Todo, Benja

No es fácil para mi el poder retomar una vivencia que haya compartido contigo, porque han sido miles!!! Y todas muy chidas!!! Simplemente el hecho de que Dios haya permitido que te cruzaras en mi vida es un claro ejemplo de ello.

Hay quienes dicen que la verdadera riqueza se mide por los amigos que tienes, y yo ya soy multimillonario por el simple hecho de tenerte.

Todas las cosas que me has enseñado a lo largo de todos estos años, las miles de veces que me has hecho reír, que me has escuchado, que me has ayudado a crecer, que me has retado, que me has tolerado y perdonado… todas las veces que me has mostrado tu amor e interés genuino han quedado grabadas en mí.

Uno de los momentos más especiales que recuerdo fue un día que estábamos en las computadoras, platicando de música. Tú me diste un tour completito de la historia del punk, desde sus raíces hasta nuestros días. Un detalle que me encantó de ese día fue tu mirada mientras recordabas las cosas que me decías. Me dejaste ver cosas de ti que se que muy pocos saben… me gustó mucho que compartieras ese momento conmigo… lo valoro grandemente.
Gracias por tu fe, tu esfuerzo, tu compromiso y tu cariño con cada u no de nosotros. No exagero al decir que cada día que comparto contigo aprendo algo o refrendo lo que ya sabía de ti: “Eres un milagro en mi vida”

Gracias por todo Tim. Feliz cumpleaños!!! Te quiero mucho y te admiro aun más.

Atte: Benja

Best Wishes for a truly stupendous 40th Birthday, Christine and David


A very happy 40th birthday greeting to you. You have led a very full and, most importantly, Christ-honoring life, and we know you will continue in that direction. You are a shining example to us in your love for the Lord and your willingness to serve Him.

God has led you to make some outstanding choices in your 40 years, like deciding to attend Wheaton (-:, choosing to go onto full-time missions and marrying Annette. All have been right-on-the-money! We trust He will continue to honor your willingness tofollow His direction.

Tim, you are a good friend and we know Mexico is a better country because you are there and we know heaven will be fuller because of you (and Annette!). Your parents have much to delight in as well because they reared you to be the outstanding man you have become. But I will stop the lauding now lest your head swell...now just some memories I (Christine) have of you.

I always crack up when I remember how you used to come up to me as I was praying before a meal at SAGA and, while I was thanking the Lord for His provision, you would whisper into my ear, "Say 'hi' for me." I've used that so many times!

I also remember the fun weused to have, late into the night, making up messages for my answering machine in my college apartment. Remember when we went into Chicago to the symphony to see Sir Peter Ustinov narrate Poe's "The Raven"? That was great.

I also fondly recall the time Charles Bailey and I were going out, in your car I think, and you hid in the trunk to come along with us. You nut!!

My time at Wheaton was certainly made richer because of you. You are a good friend...and now you are 40! Here's to 40+ more happy, fun, exciting, fulfilling, joyous, blessed and taco-filled years ahead!

Muc hlove and best wishes for a truly stupendous 40th birthday!

Christine and David

Wishing you a very, very Happy Birthday .... Richard and Kaye

Kaye and I will never forget the day Tim rescued me when we were at aLigonier Conference and I was about to faint from hunger. My blood-sugar had dropped considerably, and the food lines at the Convention center were way too long. As we stepped onto the curb to find a restaurant, Tim drove up with his van and offered to give us a ride. We were so grateful for his assistance. We couldn't believe that he was doing this as a courtesy - and we happened to be the beneficiaries! What a blessing he was to us - a provision for our immediate needs and then a friend forever.

He seemed so interested in who we were, where we were from. He was so friendly, enthusiastic, warm and endearing. Tim, you still are all that and we cherish your friendship. You are always reaching out to us with that same enthusiasm, love and big smile and twinkle in your eye.

We will never forget our rich experience visiting you both in Mexico. You both were the perfect guides and hosts and we had one of the best tripsever, thanks to you. Also, we would never have been able to really appreciate your work there had we not gone to visit. Now when we read your newsletters, places and names have context. Thank you for that too. My computer also sends best wishes and is dying to see you again soon. :-)

We love you and wish you a very, very Happy Birthday and God's continued blessings on you and Annette as you serve Him side-by-side.

You're not getting older 'Old Chap' - you're just getting better!

Ariba, Abajo, Afuerte, Al Dentro (You know what that toast is. Annette,please fix if it is wrong. Kaye is typing this. :))

Lots and lots of love and best wishes, Richard and Kaye

ps: Come to Orlando soon so we can fix a nice Birthday Dinner!

Happy Birthday, Matt & Sarah

Honestly, I don't think I could narrow Tim down to just one event.

I mean really, who could choose just one story from a list like this: skating all over the city, painting the floor of his love nest (okay, I don't think I really did any of it, but I was impressed!), windsurfing, trips to the skate park/hospital, jumping out of tree into waist deep water from higher than anyone else was even willing to climb (Bear Creek, behind the Sloas' house), early morning snowball fights... in Orlando (breakfast club), nasal floss (boy, my sister didn't like the fact you taught me that!), watching you have to go down and pacify the police in Chatanooga after preparing a trash can full of water to dump on the girls, deciding that jumping out of a tree didn't scare enough people so Tim thought he would jump off our roof, over the pool deck and into the pool and so many more....!

Hanging out with Tim wasn't ALWAYS crazy like some of these stories, I learned from Tim that it was okay to have fun and be a Christian. His zeal for life and "sure-I'll-do-that" attitude was contagious, as was his love for Christ.

I count Tim as one of the most influential people in my life. Basically, Tim was the big brother I never had, and showed me how to be that kind of big brother to my siblings.

More on why I haven't had the chance to write sooner.... Sarah and I are looking around for a home to buy. Now, when most people hear the rest of the story, they assume "it" is the reason we are looking to buy, but in reality, "it" just lit a fire under us. Yeah, that sort of "it". I think we may have taken your written suggestions too seriously after the wedding.... We were surprised too. Thrilled, but pretty stinkin' surprised. Hee Yaaah! I'm going to be a dad! (around 02June2005)

Take care, I love you two, Matt

Que se la pasan muy bien - Memo y Janelle

Mr. Tin
ya me está alcanzando... ¡qué bueno que sigue los buenos ejemplos de sus mayores :o)

Pues antes de que me reviente la historia, debo decir que a Tim (y a ti Annette) los tengo en mi lista de tradiciones toluqueñas y que incluyen:

1. Raids al (y del) aeropuerto... a Misión Mazahua y SLP, también.
2. Tacos ahogados de Metepé
3. Buenas charlas con un aromático y caliente chai.
4. Salidas al campo a un "hike"
5. Tratar, infructuosamente hasta el momento de encontrar una palabrapara "hike" en español.
6. En la linea de lingüística aplicada, intentar de encontrar la formaen que el género (gender) de las palabras que vienen de otros idiomasson cuando son traducidas al español. Ejemplo. La computadora o elcomputador.

Por otro lado, pues recuerdo vagamente mi pasado ya que mi avanzadaedad me lo impone :o)

Mi impresión de Tim, a pesar de su estado de locura permanente, había sido el de un misionero que se alegraba de seguir las reglas y de que sus amigos lo hicieran también. Pero cuando regresé de Panamá (enero1999) y sobrevivir la tortura de "Dr. Jekyl and Pastor Ko", les conté la experiencia (que era muy sombría) y cuando le conté que me había escapado y desobedecido Tim no pudo contener el grito que decía"YEAH!".

Pues nos fuimos no se a donde Tim, Annette y yo. Encontramos un río que creo que era de aguas termales y Tim me invitó a que nos echáramos un clavado. Brincamos y de repente unos extraños aromas dominaban el ambiente. Yo no pude resistir la idea de que había sido Tim. Que había querido brincar al agua para poder echarse unos "píteres". Yo no sé si el pensó lo mismo. Pero después de una distancia considerable nos dimos cuenta de que en el fondo había plantas echadas a perder y que habían producido matano... ¡guácatelas!

Una noche convencí a Tim y Annette para que fueran conmigo al volcán en la noche. Pues nos fuimos con el Chino que iba a tomar unas fotos. Cuando estuvimos en el cráter, muy chido por cierto, Tim llevaba cohetes y pues los tronamas. De repente se apareció un señor que estaba medio borracho y nos platicó que era corredor de maratones y que estaba entrenando... muy raro ¿no? creo que era de X-Files.

Bueno, no creo que sean tan buenas historias, pero algo de material para trabajar.

Les mandamos un abrazo y a TIm dos por su cumple.

Que se la pasen muy bien. 007+1

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Happy Birthday, Tim - Minnemie

Dear Tim,

I think I have known about you much longer than I have actually really known you. I learned about you through others who love you and got glimpses of who you are in brief encounters with you whenever you and Annette passed through Florence. It was not until this past year that I really got to spend chunks of time with you to see if everything (anything?) “they” said about you were true…

The “knowing about you”-part was pretty amazing. Those who love you built you up to be an intense, loving, sincere, energetic, warmhearted, forever young, statistical, backward walking, approachable, humorous, technical, personable, forever honeymooning, walking encyclopedia, bouncing of the walls person. So naturally I was excited to have some quantity time with you and Annette in December/January and July to get to the “really get to know you”-part. And would you believe it… you really lived up to the picture painted of you – and more!

I’ve come to know you as a friend who goes “above and beyond” for his friends. A friend who energetically and lovingly gives all of himself. When Scott and I came to visit you guys this Summer, I was astonished that you would patiently circle that plaza where the government buildings and cathedral are 8 times (or was it 16… maybe 32?) to allow us to go and do some touristy things with Annette. And when that car “hit” me in the market you were not only upset, but also went so far as to run after the mad driver to demand an apology! I can not count how may times I have caught you (or actually “trapped” you) online needing some technical assistance or just plain computer 101 advice. And you always graciously give of your time and of yourself.

As Scott and I huddle around a freshly brewed pot of Adgio Foxtrot tea, we remember and appreciate our tea snob friend who has turned a regular cup of tea into a warm experience to roll around on the tongue and to treasure with memories smelling like shortbread. We lift our cups to you: Happy Birthday, Tim!

May your joy continue to touch and encourage those you come in contact with!!

Your favorite pure bred Afrikaans rock.

Happy Birthday, 80 - year - old Nancy Maclellan

Dear Tim,

You're only 40, but you have pcked more into 40 years that anyone I've ever known. So, happy birthday, 80 - year - old Tim!

The first time I met you, you all had just moved to Lookout, so you were still 6. Patty and I picked up you and Kathleen for swim lessons at the YMCA, and when you got in the car, I thought a minor explosion had hit...but things are still exploding around you, like youth work in the entire Latin world.

Tim, you are one amazingly,wonderful guy, and it is exciting to see how God has so gifted you and Annette and how you are using those gifts together for Him.

You were a lot of fun to have live with us your senior yearat McCallie. Our favorite comment from you that year? "So it wasn't gas after all."

Your being at Susan and Chris' wedding meant so much to all our family...and I enjoyed watching you compete with the country's best skateboarders all around Santa Barbara that weekend.

Thanks for helping Morgan get off to a good start inFlorida, for Annette's and your asking Chris and Elizabeth (the gas) to be in your wedding, for your friendship through the years, for forgiving me when I jumped down your throat when you criticized HughO's campground breakfast of corn beef hash and eggs (he hasn't cooked since), and for the example of godly manhood that you set.

I love you and your family, and I am glad we are friends. Nancy Maclellan

a Big Happy Birthday my friend, Mark Edwards

Feliz Cumpleaños and a Big Happy Birthday my friend.

My present comes inthe form of a prayer for you.

Papi,Thank you so much for Tim.

For breathing into him the breath of life that he might breath on others. Thank you for his breath that has touched mylife and so encouraged me. Thank you for his obedience to You and his passion for the youth of Latin America and their leaders.

On this his 40th birthday may You fill him with joy unspeakable for all that You have done in him and through him for Your glory.

May You use Him for the furtherence of your kingdom in the years ahead as he has never even dreamed possible.

I pray that he would grow in His knowledge of You and in His passion to know You and love you with all his heart. And may he obey you for a lifetime. Cause him to be a faithful man.

For your glory Father. Amen.

All my best my friend Tim, and may God cause His face to shine on you this day and give you peace that passes all understanding.

In Jesus, Mark

to the old guy from Chase

dear tim,

well i dont actually know how old you are but im sure its really old, because im really old now and i know youre like at least 15 years older than me.

i know this birthday letter isnt realy starting out like you would want it to but it will get better ive got a plan to bring this all back around to you being so freaking awesome, just wait you will see. so anyways back to you being super old. hahhah no im playing, well not realy but i have to say that so you wont feel so bad. so enough about you being OLD lets talk about you as a human being.

as you know you have been a major influence on my life tim. i basicaly spent the most influential years of my life growning up with you and i am forever greatful for that. you have been and always will be an example to me on how i should live my life. we have so many memories together, and so many talks and so many things that helped me through life and still help me today.

one of the things that i have always admired about you is your love for helping people and doing things for a greater good instead of getting caught up in all sorts of meaningless crap. you have chosen to make your life count and use your skills in a way that makes a difference. i think you lead by example and i am one of the people that has seen the way you have lead your life and i am influenced by what you do and it makes me a better person knowing you are living your life the way you do. if that makes sence, hahaha.

ok so enough of the sappy stuff and back to how old you are, this is an other thing i have always looked up to with you, your spirit. i think this is why we always got along so well is because we both just wana be kids forever, and the way we enjoy life is very simillar and i think its awesome. sometimes i wish i could just spend my days jet skiing, and playing dark tag, and going to bad lands skate park, and just doing all that fun stuff we used to do, but those are times in my life i will never forget and i honestly had such a blast.

ok and the last thing i want to tell you is that i love you and that YOU ARE FREAKING AWESOME! see i told you i would pull it back around.

anyways happy birthday, 50 isnt so bad you still have like half your life to live man. hahahhaha.


Recuerdos Peruanos - Félix

Algo que aprecio y valoro grandemente de Tim es su generosidad y su deseo de hacer que los demas se sientan bien. Creo que precisamente son sus ganas de ver feliz, contenta y a gusto a la gente, lo que le hace ser generoso y desprendido a todos los niveles, con su tiempo, su dinero, sus recursos. Servicio y generosidad acostumbran a ir de la mano y, sin duda, su actitud de servicio nace de ese deseo de que las personas sean felices.

Precisamente por lo servicial y generoso que Tim es quiero contar una experiencia divertida que nos paso en Peru, el pasado verano (2004) cuando estabamos participando en el congreso Raices.

El equipo habia descubierto un fabuloso refresco peruano -cuyo nombre no voy a decir- que hizo las delicias de todos nosotros. Cualquier oportunidad era buena para poder beber un refresco frio. Cuando empezo el evento estabamos recluidos en un centro vacacional y sin posibilidad de acceso al exterior, por tanto, sin posibilidad de tener un refresco cada noche para disfrutarlo mientras charlabamos juntos.

Cierto dia, una persona de la organizacion trajo cuatro botellas de refresco que se guardaban en el refrigerador comun. Gerardo -otro de los miembros del equipo- y yo, al verlos, decidimos disfrutar de una botella cada uno. Así pues, para el dia siguiente quedaban dos botellas para tres personas, Gerardo, Tim y yo.

El dia siguiente llego y los tres estabamos en el comedor. Dos refrescos para tres personas. Cuando llego el momento de repartirlos tanto Gerardo como yo dimos por supuesto que dividiriamos el contenido de las dos botellas entre los tres. Conociendo el caracter generoso y servicial de Tim no dudamos ni un momento en que estaria de acuerdo con nuestra sugerencia.

Pero aquel refresco habia causado tal impacto en nuestras vidas que iba a cambiar hasta el caracter de nuestro amigo Gulick. Cual seria nuestra sorpresa cuando dijo que NO, que nosotros ya habiamos bebido una botella cada uno el dia anterior y, que por tanto, el se bebia una y Gerardo y yo nos deberiamos repartir la otra. Ambos nos miramos con cara de sorpresa mientras Tim hacia que se esfumara a velocidad de la luz la parte de la hacienda que le correspondia.


God's blessings ... Heather and Suzanne

Suzanne and I have the same "most vivid memories" of Tim -- summertime at the Hicks' house playing flashlight tag and Garbage and eating Flavor Ice Pops (with the ____ chemical that we can't remember that causes the buzz on the back of your throat).

We think it's so neat that teenagers and adults could find so much enjoyment of each other in silly and simple ways. Wouldn't the world be better if more teenagers were spending their evenings like that!

The quality of Tim's that strikes us the most is his enthusiasm in everything that he does. It is a driving force for him and all he touches.

Happy Birthday, God's blessings on the next 40 years, and we love you!

Heather and Suzanne

What we Lionize about Tim... Uncle Paul & Aunt Sally

Oh, dear, oh dear,
Time has flown and I have just looked at my e-mails and lo
and behold there you are requesting some thought about Tim.

Our remembrances of Tim, now in his old age, are not worthy of being memorialized...cranky kid, messy pants, hyper verbal.

But we will lionize his handsomeness, creativity, gregariousness, commitment to the Lord and His awesome calling to mission.

Then, most of all, his superb ability to find and choose a glorious wife--best of all.

We laud your spiritual faithfulness, Tim, and the good use of your considerable gifts.

Sally and Paul
from the Home

Saturday, November 13, 2004

Hats Off, Tim ..... Evan Williams

When I met Tim I didn't have any use of my arms or legs. I couldn't even speak in coherent sentences. Then it was like Barnabus on theway to Damascus...I saw the light and I was undisabled.

I've always thought Tim had a knack for disestablishmentarianism andanachronisms....ever since I saw that picture of him with Che Guevaraand Ronald Regan shaking hands. Yep, some good days were had by many when...I remember when we used toplay pick-up pickup sticks after school, preempting the basketballteam...man were they hot!

I have nothing but good things to say about Tim and his affinity for supporting the local Mexican economy. One time he stopped the car inthe middle of afternoon traffic, just to dash inside a neighborhood owned convenience store, just to let the nearby chain store know who was in control.

Tim has one drawback however...he has a propensity for scaring the wits out of unknowing Americans, hiding in domicilial vegetation for tens of minutes at a time, just so he can have his laugh and the innocent American can revisit his dinner.

But in the end, Tim has a very deep wallet and a grinch sized heart that one day may grow to be the size of a thirteen year old Mexicanboy. Let us just hope that his love for kicks and giggles grows at the same rate.

Hat's off Tim, it's the end of your good days, and well, somebody's gotta say hat's off. We all love you, even if we can't catch you while you're rolling downthe other side of the hill of life:)

with the littlest and most of sincerity,

Evan Williams

Peace brother, Dan Haase

It must have about seven years ago that the first meeting took place. I believe it was our Spring Break and I was enthralled with your sister. Naturally a meeting of the family was in order. The opportunity to go to Mexico arose and we boarded a plane. Or, should I say we eventually boarded a plane. I remember being impressed about how welcoming and celebratory you were toward me, especially in light of the extra mileage we added to your life, as you were so fortunate to visit the Mexico City airport twice in two days.

This, I have come to see, is but a natural response of a Gulick to the impediments of life. I saw in you a flexibility and willingness to serve. As the visit went on, I came to see this even more. As I was thinking on your life and the bit of it I have come to know and experience, several descriptors have come to mind: compassionate, youthful, devoted, loyal, loving, giving, faithful, hardworking, passionate… I am grateful for the opportunity here to speak these words that are often, and foolishly, not said to those we love.

Some of these things I first took note of on that visit to Mexico. I remember walking down some mountain together – we were getting to know one another – you were sharing the story that is yours and Annette’s. From that initial conversation to this day, I can honestly say I have often thought of how you treat her and love her with such devotion and tenderness. It has caused me pause in my own life as I consider what it should look like for me to love Kathleen.

I have seen you as the wild Uncle who might be forty but is all boy. There you are, tossing the nephews into a pile of pine needles then more chasing and wrestling. This is the same grown boy who laced on shoes that could give him a bit more slide through life; because if there’s a rail, you’ve got to ride it. Even as I write, I see the smile – do you know you smile a lot – such joy is contagious and so good to be around. You’ve reminded me to stay young.

Then there is the life you have given to others. Whether that is in a very non-American “come on over for dinner” and you stay and you stay and you stay (I remember getting to experience this Mexican hospitality) or as you sit at your desk each day and do the work you have been called to do. As you continue to travel the world whether by car, plane, bus, or net know you are thought of somewhere just twenty-five miles outside of Chicago. You, that guide of passion who met us as we stepped onto Mexican soil – I remember you spent the whole time walking backwards just so you could look at us as you talked. I think I thought to myself, “is this guy for real.” And you were. Your passion has always brought excitement into my day when I am around you. I’ve seen it when you’ve just acquired the newest in techie advancement, or as you’ve suggested some of the ancient ruins we must see, or when you have a fact the world needs to know, or when you talk about Annette and the work you are able to do together. Your life, in the small time I have known you, has spoken to me. I will be celebrating that life with you as you head over the hill and draw nearer to the horizon.

Peace brother, Dan

Happy Birthday, Tim. Chad Johnson

Reminiscing about Tim means I have to face the fact that college was a LONG timeago (painful!).

I didn't know him really well, but he was one of those rare outgoing people who had the ability to make shy people like me feel comfortable and accepted. He always had a smile on his face, and you could tell he loved people.

I have fond memories of hours of hacky sack with Tim. If he wasn't in the "hackcircle", he was skating on its fringes. He seemed to always be at the Stupe(did he ever go to class....?)

My life has been greatly influenced by seeing Tim inhale/snort a sunflower seed, cough so that it moved from the nasal passage to the back of the throat, and then triumphantly display it on his tongue, from where the cycle could begin again. I'm sure this talent has served him well in youth ministry.

Happy Birthday, Tim!


Friday, November 12, 2004

Felicidades Amigo - Gustavo Majstruck

Que bueno Annete,

si, la verdad que Tim ha sido en este tiempo que nos conocemos un gran amigo para mi.

Es bueno conocer a alguien no solo en los momentos de compañerismo si no en medio del trabajo, con responsabilidades de por medio y en todo eso se deja ver una gran persona. Creo que Tim es una persona que sabe lo que quiere. Esta seguro de lo que hace y eso se deja ver en sus proyectos, además es una persona que respeta la opinión ajena (siempre y cuando ésta sea sensata... no le convence cualquier cosa).

Es un privilegio para mi tener amigos como Uds.
Adelante!!!! Gus

Abrazos Argentinos de los Muniello

Es dificil pensar en una experiencia...porque en realidad hemos vivido muchas buenas experiencias. En Buenos Aires, en México, en Buenos Aires, en Perú, en Buenos Aires...Pero si tenemos que destacar una...recordamos que estando en Veracruz, cuando nos enteramos que falleció la mamá de Adriana,Tim se puso al lado de ella y la acompaño a cuanto lado fue necesario para poder comunicarse a Argentina. El hecho cobra muhca mas relevancia por toda la situación que estábamos viviendo en Raíces. Tim se olvido de todo y se puso al lado de la persona en necesidad. Creemos que ese gesto lo define muy pero muy bien.

Cualidades...Muchas: Amigo, Alegre, Observador, Reflexivo, Servicial, Leal, Compañero, Visionario.

Un abrazo muy fuerte de toda mi familia para Tim en el día de su cumpleaños y un beso de todos nosotros para vos Annette.

Gerardo y Adriana

Bendiciones, Jorge Zuñiga

Me alegro montones que me tomes en cuenta para esta actividad tan especial, me siento realmente muy Honrado de que me tomes en cuenta.

Una de las cualidades especiales que he podido notar en Tim es su Amor tan grande para servir a la juventud en América latina, expresado en su deseo de que puedan tener a su alcance los mejores materiales y recursos para llevar a cabo su tarea Pastoral con los jóvenes. Otra cualidad es su facilidad de ser amigo.

Una anécdota. La reunión en Paraguay cuando estábamos reunidos en la parte de afuera en el césped, y apenas le estaba conociendo a él. Y de un momento a otro, en media reunión dónde estábamos hablando cosas importantes de raíces y de pronto Tim se queda fijo mirando hacia un lugar cercano y depronto sale en carrera para espantar unos pájaros que estaban en una alambrada. Eso fue realmente chistoso. Bueno espero que estas dos notas te ayuden, las hago con mucho cariño y aprecio.Nuevamente gracias por la amistad de ustedes y su trabajo. Cuanto me hubiera gustado estar allí con el equipo para festejar y romperle unos huevos, con harina. jajajaja.

bendiciones. Jorge Zuñiga V.

!Hijole! ?40? tu amigo, Nahum

Hablar de una experiencia con Tim, es fácil, escoger una es difícil, porque he tenido la oportunidad de vivir muchas cosas junto a el, desde caídas del volcán, algunos estrenos como Harry Potter, Lord ofthe Rings y The Matrix, desayunos en Mac, caminatas en la playa, caídas en los SOAP, compras en SAM'S, cumpleaños, conferencias, viajes al extranjero, mañanas de ejercicio en alameda 2000, viajes a bazar sábado, un desayuno en el típico café tacuba, ver los surfistas en puerto escondido, Cinnabon acompañado de un café de Starbucks en la sala de espera del aeropuerto del DF, la incomodidad de un vuelo en LOYD, las lecciones de iglesia juvenil, las juntas como equipo de paralideres, los días en que cobro (jejejeje), una navidad bien súper diferente, las historias de mis novias, los martes de DOMINO'S, la experiencia de perdón, la confianza para corregirme y ayudarme a ser mejor, las platicas acerca de algo interesante que leyó en WIRED o de algún buen libro, hasta ir a comer sus tan favoritos tacos dorados ahogados de doña Paz.

"hijole" Hay tantas cosas que hemos compartido que es un crimen o un gran reto pedirme mencionar solo una, y creo que es porque Tim es una persona llena de cualidades, de dones, de capacidades, pero si hay que destacar una es la gran cualidad de buscar escuchar y poner en practica la voluntad de Dios en su vida lo que hace que todos los que lo rodeamos siempre recibamos algo bueno de Dios a través de la vida de Tim.

Tu amigo,

Nahum I. León Casasola

Felicidades, Dora Luz Flores

Hola Annette,

Me alegra que estés preparando la celebración del cumpleaños de Tim y me dará mucho gusto ser parte de esta celebración.

Hay muchos momentos gratos y sobresalientes que podría mencionar en que la presencia de Tim ha dado un toque especial en las experiencias que hemos compartido, pero me acuerdo que cuando fuimos a Teotenango a conocer las ruinas, Tim quería realizar una proeza atlética saltando por encima de una construcción de angostas paredes de piedra separadas por grandes huecos. Como a mí me parecía peligroso, le pedí que no saltara, y no lo hizo por consideración a mi petición. Para mí no es común que un joven haga a un lado sus planes para probar su destreza física, por lo que le agradezco a Tim el ser tan considerado.

Una gran cualidad que admiro en Tim es su amabilidad y su generosidad con su tiempo. Siempre está atento a los detalles para mostrar su aprecio o preocupación por mí y mi familia y deja sus actividades para ayudarme en mis dudas.

Gracias Tim.

Ciao. Dora

Happy 40th!!! Jim & Leta

Dear Tim,

Happy 40th!!!

At least you aren't over the hill yet. Whenever you are wondering if you are over the hill, let me know, because I have 101 ways to tell if you are over the hill (e.g. "When you sit down for breakfast, you hear snap, crackle and pop, but you haven't poured the milk on your cereal yet!").

What I remember most about you Tim, are the weeks we spent together in OC's internship back in the summer of '96 (?). What I remember about your internship is that there was more laughter and deep learning that took place that year, than ever before (You know that laughter and learning aredirectly related!). And you were at the heart of the laughing. The Lord has given you such a merry, joyful heart that is infectious. Because of that, people, most of all me, love to be around you!

May all the goodness of God be bestowed upon you, this day, and ever after,

Jim (and Leta too) Van Meter

Happy Birthday Old Man, Dan & Liz

Dan here.

Whenever I think of Tim, one image pops immediately to the forefront.

I remember we all went to visit the ruins outside Mexico City, and as we walked around, Tim kept bounding up and down the pyramids. He would go up 10 steps and then scoot back down, up down. I remember the steps there are so narrow. One slip and you could easily break an ankle, or worse. But Tim made it look so effortless. I remember being amazed by his boundless energy and nimbleness. This must have been in April, 1996.

The quality I remember the most about Tim? His laugh.

Please wish the old man Happy Birthday for us.

Dan, 43 (and Liz, soon to be 41)

Happy Birthday Tim, Love Chris and Anne

I have many fond memories of long bus rides with Tim along roads that made us feel like dare devils, our faces pressed against the glass as the driver somehow stayed on the road despite having a wheel (or two) dangling over the abyss.

My favorite thing about him is his fascination with people. He should've been a journalist! Tim's able to find something in everyone that will help him learn (about himself or others.) I learned the proper techniques for interviewing cab drivers from him. I can't remember sitting in a taxi with Tim without himengaging the driver in a conversation that brought me a further understanding, either of the language or the person.

DO give us a ring when you get to the U.K. would love to see you guys.

Love, Chris and Anne

Wow, Forty years old. You're a geezer :-) Susan McCullough

I met Tim through New City Fellowship Orlando, at the Bible studies and planning meetings before the church actually got off the ground.

I loved Tom and Annette almost from the beginning. One of my favorite memories of Tim is when Annette and I and someone else (I forget who...Tammy, maybe?) were having tea at the little house on the lake Tim and Annette lived in. We took our tea out to the dock and found ourselves in need of refills. About that time, out comes Tim, wearing shorts, T-shirt, cumberbund and a tux coat. He and Annette had had some sort of fancy event the night before and he still had his tux. He walked with great dignity, tea tray held high and steady. He served out tea with an amazingly straight face and elegant decorum in very silly circumstances. Pure Tim.

I admire Tim's ability to be so funny and so gentle at the same time, so that when he pokes fun, it is never hurtful or cynical.

Tim and Annette are 2 of my favorite people.

Wow, Tim. Forty years old.
You're a geezer.


Susan McCullough, a little more cynical and already several years down the geezer trail.

Happy Birthday 2004 Love, Bethel and Paul

Dear Tim,

Happy Birthday 40????????????????? Where does the time go? They didn't tell us that the older you are the better life is, but it is. Yes, there are aches and pains along the way, but don't let that cloud things for you. These are the best years of your life now that you are "over the hill?". At least I would never want to go back. We are just one day closer to heaven.

We are so proud of you and all that you are doing and have been able to do. Just yesterday I handed out almost 50 copies of the "letter" about the visit to Cuba and how the web site has been received there. I kept having to go back and make more copies and hopefully gave them all to people that know you and are interested but don't get your letters in the mail. You have a big FAN CLUB in Wichita. Now we are leaving and will try to work on new contacts for you all which will be fun.

Hope you are lifting weights now to get ready for that 1,000 pounds or more of books that we are taking to Ethiopia. Pray that that will all get organized smoothly. So far it has but there is lots more to do. We can't wait to all be together again.

We love you very much.


Happy 40th! Chris


Do you remember your 21st!!?? Dunkin donuts, champagne, midnight, surprise!

As usual, you probably remember much more than me….# of donuts eaten, the Indian owners name, what color his dot was, etc.
So…. I will let you tell the story to whoever is there to listen!

I hope you have a big bash!

Anyway, I hope you have a great day and year. Thanks for the emails and newsletters.

Your friend,


Happy Birthday...Chuck


Well, your 40th birthday is upon us. Yikes, that means I'm not far away. Your better half is collecting stories for this occasion and I'll try to contribute. Because this is a birthday thing, I'll start with your 17th (I think) birthday. If you remember it was a surprise party. I got you over to my house and we went to your house that was filled with people. I believe you were actually surprised. Then we all went to the back of the mountain for a square dance. The fun for me was on the trip home. The old yellow triumph's engine blew up on me on the way back and we had to bum rides from our parents and friends for several months.

That junior year we had all classes together and rode to school together. Then we had Gary Bickerstaff along our senior year. I still have not seen him since then. I'll pass over the McCallie stories because Brent was in most of them and we should be positive on past stories.

I'll skip forward to Orlando. You pretty much turned a very stressful situation in the Navy to an enjoyable year. I really enjoyed hanging out with you and Ben and the rest of the gang. That church you worked at is still what I think a church should be like. I also liked being around your youth group in the meetings, the work projects, and the fun stuff.

To end this trip down memory lane, I remember when you got back from that meeting/conference where you met Annette. (This is for you too Annette.) I remember going to your apartment and asking you about the trip. You had this big grin on your face and said, " I met this girl." I have known you for many years and have never seen that smitten look on your face before. You were a goner from the start. I was fortunate to be able to go to your wedding. It was almost unbelievable that I would be passing by Kansas going to my ship in San Fran. at the same time as your wedding. Only you could get that stupid toast out of me.

Well, happy birthday. I hope you two are well down there. Same boring stuff up here.

I hope you get a bunch of good stories. Now that your parents are moving back here, you two are next. When is it going to be? Come on back home. Please contact me the next time you are around; we didn't get that much time the last time.

Until later,


I'm so proud of you, Love Dad

I spent almost 20 years without Christ. I had a good basic religious background, ie.we went to church on Sundays, but I truly started following Jesus the middle of my college years. Tim, when you were born, one of my prayers was that you would not have years of building up non-Christian patterns in your life, but would become a Christian at a young age. Little did I know how that prayer would be answered. At five talking with your mother you said you wanted to ask Jesus into your life. I thought you had to be a bit older than that, but not so. Several months later when Grandma Keating came to visit, the first thing you said to her was, “I’ve become a Christian.” And you had.

Another prayer I had for you was that as the years went by you would be farther along in your walk with Christ than I was. Being the spiritual giant that I am, I knew that was quite a prayer to pray. But God has answered that prayer too. Several years ago I realized an interesting fact. Every time I visit you I come away having learned something. God has taught you much. I love to see your lack of materialism, your love for your work, your trust in God, your relationship with Annette and care for others.

Here is something less profound, but still the work of God. I expected you to grow up to be taller than I…vitamins and good nutrition etc. By 8th grade you were 6-7 inches taller than I was when I was in 8th grade. Wow…how tall would you be? But you almost stopped growing. I wondered if you were disappointed, but now I look at where God has sent you and Annette to minister. How wise He was not to let you grow to 6 feet 4 inches (4 inches taller than I, which is how much taller I am than my dad). How much better you can minister to Mexicans. How much more comfortable they probably feel with you. God does all things well. But still if you hadn’t held your breath that day in our bathroom, you might have grown to 6 feet 4.



Happy Birthday to My Hero, Love Kat

The Gulick family was given a dog name Ruth when Tim and I were still very small. Ruth became part of our extended family and listened to all our sorrows. She would wake with us early Saturday mornings to watch our favorite cartoons from a blanket fort.

Ruth endured being captured by a green knit blanket that our grandma Keating had made because Ruth knew that it made us happy and she was a dog ready and desirous to please. We loved Ruth dearly and Ruth, I fancied loved me the most because I loved her more than anyone else in the family. Tim claimed that Ruth was his dog, but Ruth and I knew better.Ruth had made it through many close calls of being given away or sent to the "farm", but had always been a survivor when it came to remaining a Gulick. But as with all luck, it ran out, and the fateful day that I had been dreading came; Ruth was being given to a family with a real farm.I could not bring myself to actually go to the new family's home and drive away from her like some bad scene from Born Free. So Tim and Mom took her while I wept at home by myself.

When they returned, the nails had been driven and Ruth was officially gone. Tim told me all that had happened, and I could not be consoled. I cried so hard that I began to have side cramps that caused me great pain. Tim with his God-given compassion and desire to heal the broken-hearted, created for me a foam companion made from recently-arrived packaging that he wrapped around my heaving ribs and tied with various strings and fasteners. As the psychology of medicine would have it, I began to fancy that it was working, and I was hurting just a little bit less.

Had it not been for my big brother Tim, I might have died from a broken heart and split ribs.

Thank you Tim for giving me back my life!

Kathleen Gulick Haase

Best Wishes, Aunt Ruthie & Uncle Al

We only got to see tim once-in-awhile in the summer in ocean grove when he came to see gram.

He loved to go to the boardwalk and play the slot machines and when he was 16 or seventeen he loved to take his dad's card and take lisa … she was scared to death cause he was then a rather wild driver and of course would love to show off to his girl cousin who will be 39 in december..

We would also like to take time to say what a great job you guys do as missionaries. keep up the great work.

have a wonderful celebration with tim and give him our best


Aunt Ruthie and Uncle Al

Happy Birthday Tim ... Love, Mom

MEMORIES ........There are so many about you Tim.

I remember when you were born and they brought you in to me I thought you were sooooo good looking. I couldn't wait till someone came in so I could show you off. You were a great and easy baby...

...I remember you and Kat scavengering the dumpster behind Lookout Mt. Elementary School at the beginning of summer vacation, trying to find treasures of pencils, pens, erasers, milk tickets, clothes and other fascinating items. You saved us lots of money.

...I remember when you were about 11 years old you decided for some reason to see how long you could hold your breath while looking in the bathroom mirror. The next think I know I heard a loud thud. The next thing I knew you had passed out on to the bathroom floor. Always experimenting....

I remember your first day of prep school ( jr. high) you had great angst because you heard upper classmen had a vicious history of locking 7th graders in their lockers. You arrived home downcast that first day. There were no locker escapades but your couldn't get your locker open and were late for you class and got hollered at. That same day it was raining and your notebook cover got wet and colored your white shirt blue. You didn't want to go back to McCallie. ( Aren't you glad you did? ) I think there is a lesson there.

I remember sooo much more but above all I remember how much we enjoyed you and your personality.

We love you and are so thankful God has given you to us, but how in the world did you become forty?

I made some chocolate cookies for you and have sent them to your friend that should be there now. Have a great B' day. We wish we could be there to celebrate with you- old man. You have 100.00 dollars to spend as you wish on the internet.

Love you,

Mom and Dad